/ Sérendipité / Code / Monolith, sauvegarder une...

Monolith, sauvegarder une page web en un seul fichier

Monolith permet de sauvegarder une page web entière (avec les images, les scripts, les css...) en un seul fichier HTML:

monolith 2.8.1

Sunshine <sunshine@uberspace.net>
Mahdi Robatipoor <mahdi.robatipoor@gmail.com>
Emmanuel Delaborde <th3rac25@gmail.com>
Emi Simpson <emi@alchemi.dev>
rhysd <lin90162@yahoo.co.jp>

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CLI tool for saving web pages as a single HTML file

    monolith [OPTIONS] <target>

    <target>    URL or file path, use - for STDIN

    -a, --no-audio                        Remove audio sources
    -b, --base-url <http://localhost/>    Set custom base URL
    -B, --blacklist-domains               Treat list of specified domains as blacklist
    -c, --no-css                          Remove CSS
    -C, --cookies <cookies.txt>           Specify cookie file
    -d, --domain <example.com>            Specify domains to use for white/black-listing
    -e, --ignore-errors                   Ignore network errors
    -E, --encoding <UTF-8>                Enforce custom charset
    -f, --no-frames                       Remove frames and iframes
    -F, --no-fonts                        Remove fonts
    -h, --help                            Print help information
    -i, --no-images                       Remove images
    -I, --isolate                         Cut off document from the Internet
    -j, --no-js                           Remove JavaScript
    -k, --insecure                        Allow invalid X.509 (TLS) certificates
    -M, --no-metadata                     Exclude timestamp and source information
    -n, --unwrap-noscript                 Replace NOSCRIPT elements with their contents
    -o, --output <document.html>          Write output to <file>, use - for STDOUT
    -s, --silent                          Suppress verbosity
    -t, --timeout <60>                    Adjust network request timeout
    -u, --user-agent <Firefox>            Set custom User-Agent string
    -v, --no-video                        Remove video sources
    -V, --version                         Print version information